
This collection was created for educational use only.
All copyrights remain with the owners of said, and
Illinos State Univresity, The Office of Research in
Arts Technology or Richard Repp do not condone the 
downloading of copyrighted material.

(nudge, nudge)

However any documents created by Richard Repp
(except for that stupid driver's license photo)
are fair game.

...Really, take them

no, I mean it! they are probably going to toss all this
stuff after the Summer and it would be a shame to lose 
all those ftp maps.

If there IS any legal problem then this project was not
ACTUALLY compiled by the above parties at all, no actually
there is this giant hedgehog, no that's not it, um, I never
wanted this job anyway, I wanted to be a  AAARGH!!!

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