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Do you think aspects of voice production can be taught through technology?
Will eventually replace teachers
Has a great potential
Can improve education
Will not change education
Has a slight negative effect on education
A waste of time and resources
Very detrimental to the teaching process
How do you feel about educational technology?
How do you feel about the SmartMusic system as it was used in your lesson? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the SmartMusic system for your practice sessions on your own? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the warmup feature of the SmartMusic system as it was used in your lesson? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the warmup feature of the SmartMusic system for your practice sessions on your own? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the tuning feature of the SmartMusic system as it was used in your lesson? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the tuning feature of the SmartMusic system for your practice sessions on your own? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the accompaniment feature of the SmartMusic system as it was used in your lesson? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the accompaniment feature of the SmartMusic system for your practice sessions on your own? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the Web pages as used in your lesson? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the the Web pages for your practice sessions on your own? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the McClosky Technique as used in your lesson? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the McClosky techniquefor your practice sessions on your own? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the spectral analysis as used in your lesson? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
How do you feel about the EGG used in your lessons? (1 = very effective, 5 = not effective at all)
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