The McClosky technique for vocal relaxation

Please read the following information before proceeding with the study, and then click on the "next" button below.

1) This study involves research.

2) The research concerns the effect of an Internet-based presentation of the McClosky technique for vocal relaxation on the attitudes of preservice music teachers.

3) No participant should be expected to spend more than 60 minutes in this research.

4) Participants will view a version of the McClosky technique in the form of a hypertext document and be asked to incorporate these techniques into their daily phonation. After a period of one to two weeks has elapsed, the participants will be asked their attitudes towards the technique and the hypertext presentation. Data will be collected through an on-line survey.

5) Participation is voluntary, and refusal to participate will involve no penalty. The subject has the freedom to withdraw at any time. Participation, or lack thereof, will not affect class grade in any way.

6) All records will remain confidential.

7) Contact Richard Repp <> for more information on the study.




Updated: 18 April 1996

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