Keyboarding I & II



Goal 1: The student will be able to write for a variety of purposes.

Outcome: The student will learn to write and address a business letter by formulating a request for information.

Time: 2 days


  1. Select the name and address of a business from the given list.
  2. Since each student must select a different company, record your choice with the instructor.
  3. Write the letter briefly identifying your energy project and request information for your paper. Format the letter in the exact style given for a business letter.
  4. Submit the handwritten rough draft for approval in English.
  5. Bring a stamped, business-size envelope to class by Thursday since your letter will actually be sent.
  6. Your letter will be typed in Keyboarding Class on next Tuesday and must follow the style presented.

Evaluation: The letter must be completed without error in grammar, spelling, or format before it is mailed. Keep in mind that when you send your letter, you are not only representing yourself, but you are also representing your school and community. I want you to present a positive image. (See Keyboarding Rubric in Appendix)

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