- What happens to the volumes and surface area of
three-dimensional shapes as their dimensions change?
- The student will use a spreadsheet to
compute the volumes of different geometric shapes.
- Using the geometry volume and surface area formulas, the
student will design a spreadsheet listing the geometric shapes
(rows) and the different dimensions (columns).
- The student will translate geometric formulas into the
language of the spreadsheet.
- The student will input values for the radius, width, height,
base, sides, and altitude to compute the volumes and surface areas
of different geometric shapes.
The student will explore what happens to the volume when the
dimensions are altered.
A. Each student will make 2 copies of each of the following
spreadsheets and hand in one set to Mr. Pryor (Keyboarding) and one
set to Mrs. Webster (Algebra/Geometry I).
- Spreadsheet with formulas shown
- Spreadsheet showing volumes and surface areas for the given
- Spreadsheet with dimensions doubled
- Spreadsheet with dimensions divided by two
- Spreadsheet dimensions tripled
- Spreadsheet with dimensions of all shapes for assigned
B. Students will also complete the following and give it to
Mrs. Webster
"What's Happening to the Volume?" Worksheet
Extra Credit:
Make scale drawings of your shapes with the computer
Make models of your shapes for your assigned volume
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