
Electronic/Guitar Music

This is all old archived material I do not update any more. For my current guitar work, please visit my Facebook page.


"Shadow Beings." [Music Composition]. On Music from SEAMUS: 20 Year Anniversary 1984-2004 (2007) [Compact Disk]. Baton Rouge: Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States. EAM-2006-2. My pieceSound FileShadow Beings was selected to be part of the CD
     PDF FIle Music from SEAMUS: 20 Year Anniversary 1984-2004. EAM-2006-2.
"SEAMUS’ Dog House." [Music Composition]. Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States 2006 Electroclip Contest.
"Shadow Beings." [Music Composition]. Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States 2006 Electroclip Contest.
"2001-1." [Music Composition]. Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States 2001 National Conference. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March 1-3, 2001. I got a piece accepted to the SEAMUS sound clip competition
Sound File2001-1.
[Music Composition]. Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States 2001 National Conference. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March 1-3, 2001.

Sound FileBackground Track (2009) for a full sail promotional video.

Kira Jones and Chazz Avery posted a recording with me playing the Mandolin on their song
        External LinkBlood on the River.

Sound FileAdored © 2003 Rhonda Marinis (AKA External LinkStella Vyne) and Richard Repp.
       She cried when we wrote it and it still makes me tear up.

Performances of Note

The GSU Digital Music Ensemble (your's truly on guitar synthesizer) did two concerts in January.
      PDF FIleGeorgia Southern University Digital Music Ensemble. Technology Institute for Music Educators
          Southern Regional and Georgia Music Educators Association 2007 In-Service Conferences.
          The Savannah International Trade and Convention Center, January 26, 2007.
      PDF FIle Digital Music. Performing Arts Center, Statesboro GA, January 31, 2007.
          Recordings (Rough, right off the soundboard, no overdubs).
          Sound FileWhazzuponatime (Live) (John Freeman, composer) Sound FileBlackbird (Live) (McCartney)

PDF FIle Godspell. (Guitar). External LinkPlaymakers Civic Theatre. July 2002. Port Clinton, Ohio

Terra Faculty Jazz Ensemble. 1999-2002.

Terra Faculty Jazz Ensemble

External LinkRoland GR-33 Guitar Synthesizer


I did a presentation on guitar synthesizers at the Association for Technology in Music Instruction Conference in September 2006.

Here is the PDF FIle PowerPoint and a short Movie Filevideo clip.

Richard Repp presents at ATMI


House band for JCS

PDF FIle Jesus Christ Superstar. (Guitar). External LinkPlaymakers Civic Theatre. July 11-14, 18-21, 25-28, 2001. Port Clinton, Ohio.

 Two tracks with me playing guitar synthesizer live, straight off the soundboard with no overdubs
            Sound FileOverture (Live) from Jesus Christ Superstar and Sound FileLa Villa Strangiato (Live) (Rush).


PDF FIle Certified Pro Tools Operator (Music).
External LinkFull Sail Univerty
Winter Park, FL (2010)

PDF FIle Recording Engineering and Music Production Program (2000)
PDF FIle Studio Maintenance and Troubleshooting Program (2001)
PDF FIle Advanced Recording Engineering and Music Production Program (2001)
PDF FIle NewTech Computer-Based Audio Production Program (2001)
External LinkThe Recording Workshop
Chillicothe, OH

PDF FIle TI:ME Certified Instructor
External LinkTechnology Institute for Music Educators
Wynettte, PA (2001)

PDF FIle Concentration in External LinkArts Technology)
External LinkIllinois State University
Normal, IL (1996)

Media I Produced

PDF FIle Space-A: Air National Guard of the South. (2006). [Executive Producer]. Available from PDF FIle Space-A: Air National Guard of the South. Here are two original songs:
          Sound FileSpace-A Opener and Sound FileWhen I'm in Line.
PDF FIle Paul Czech: 7 Songs. (2007). [Executive Producer]. Available from  PDF FIle Paul Czech: 7 Songs. Cuts: Sound FileZealot and Sound FileTime and Space.

I co-executive produced (with Philip Terrell) 5 student albums at Alabama State University.

I produce a monthly virtual concert of music from my students. The concert is the fourth week of every month at 3 PM Eastern and again at 8 PM in Second Life, External Linkhere.

The PDF FIle Digital Music Concert on February 22 was a huge success!
      Artist External LinkMegan Jacobs helped us out with the video.

Movie FileCrystalline Twilight by Christopher Martenn


Movie FileRide On by Haisten Williams


Sound FileI'm (Show-tyme) by Brandon Ficklin

In the Fall of 2003, I got a new job at External LinkGeorgia Southern University.
I produced a PDF FIle concert of electronic music including:



Most of my musical effort went into producing and recording ensembles.

A couple of live tracks. Rough, right off the soundboard.

We played a concert at OMEA/TI:ME
PDF FIle“Terra Electronic Music Ensemble and Terra Faculty Music Ensemble.” [Performance and Information Session]. Ohio Music Education Association in Conjunction with the National Conference of the Technology Institute for Music Educators (TI:ME). Columbus, Ohio, February 1-3, 2001.

2001-2002 Electronic Music Ensemble




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